Sunday, August 23, 2020

Issue of HIV Essay Example For Students

Issue of HIV Essay The Issue of HIV Essay/AIDS has been a creating issue since the mid 1980s. It is an issue that has started dread in everybody, except everyone has limited it down to specific individuals that can get AIDS. The normal AIDS casualty isn't an ordinary medication client or a rehearsing gay; it is anybody, any individual who has unprotected sex, any individual who has had a blood transfusion in the previous twenty years, or any individual who was guiltlessly brought into the world by a contaminated mother. As unreasonable as it may be, HIV/AIDS can assault somebody whom society would have never ;marked; as a cliché AIDS casualty. This issue of HIV/AIDS should be tended to, and it should be tended to now. The scourge of HIV/AIDS is on the ascent in the territory of Massachusetts. Upwards of 15,000 occupants might be tainted with the infection and not know about it and most of these casualties are between the ages of twenty and forty. The main answer for this issue, just like the main answer for any issue, is counteraction through training. Obviously it is anything but difficult to pass out writing and condoms to grown-ups, however would they say they are truly going to tune in? As a network, we can support HIV/AIDS testing, yet will it be exploited? Since these are grown-ups being acclimated with HIV/AIDS, how to contract it, the outcomes, and the crude insights, they will most likely negligence the entirety of the data. Instruction on the issue of AIDS clearly needs to start at a previous age. HIV is spread most regularly by sexual contact with a contaminated accomplice. The infection can enter the body through the covering of the vagina, vulva, penis, rectum or mouth during sex. HIV likewise is spread through contact with contaminated blood. Before to the screening of blood for proof of HIV disease and before the presentation in 1985 of warmth getting strategies devastate HIV in blood items, HIV was transfered through transfusions of yucky blood. Today, as a result of blood screening and warmth treatment, the danger of obtaining HIV from such transfusions is amazingly little. HIV as often as possible is spread among infusion medicate clients by the sharing of needles or syringes sullied with minute amounts of blood of somebody tainted with the infection. Notwithstanding, transmission from patient to medicinal services laborer or the other way around through inadvertent sticks with polluted needles or other clinical instruments is uncommon. In spite of the fact that specialists have recognized HIV in the salivation of contaminated people, no proof exists that the infection is spread by contact with spit. Research facility contemplates uncover that spit has characteristic aggravates that repress the irresistibleness of HIV. Investigations of individuals contaminated with HIV have discovered no proof that the infection is spread to others through salivation, for example, by kissing. Nobody knows, nonetheless, the danger of disease from purported ;profound; kissing, including the trading of a lot of spit, or by oral intercourse. Researchers likewise have discovered no proof that HIV is spread through perspiration, tears, pee or dung. Investigations of groups of HIV-contaminated individuals have demonstrated plainly that HIV isn't spread through easygoing contact, for example, the sharing of food utensils, towels and bedding, pools, phones or can seats. HIV can't spread by creepy crawlies, for example, mosquitoes or kissing bugs. HIV can taint any individual who offers medicate needles or syringes, or by having sexual contact without utilizing security. Since this is such a dubious issue, the age at which instruction should start is easily proven wrong. The youngsters should be full grown enough to deal with the worries and they should be youthful enough to start rehearsing proportions of security that will proceed for the duration of their lives. In any case, regardless of anything else, instruction of HIV/AIDS should start when these kids can comprehend that sharing blood can be perilous. A genuine case of this circumstance is a five-year-old kid standing up to his mother and saying that he and his closest companion are going to prick their fingers and become ;kindred spirits. .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 , .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 .postImageUrl , .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 , .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898:hover , .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898:visited , .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898:active { border:0!important; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898:active , .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898:hover { mistiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enhancement: underline; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u1fb23e0650ce842168 76a4890e31a898 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u1fb23e0650ce84216876a4890e31a898:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Police ruthlessness Essay; A reaction that will give a valid justification why this ought not be done and give data about HIV/AIDS would be: ; Some individuals have a few things in their blood that can make you debilitated and sharing blood .

Friday, August 21, 2020

3 Sentences Demonstrating the Power of the Comma

3 Sentences Demonstrating the Power of the Comma 3 Sentences Demonstrating the Power of the Comma 3 Sentences Demonstrating the Power of the Comma By Mark Nichol The three sentences that follow delineate the significance of the incorporation or exclusion of a comma can have in facilitating appreciation of a sentence. 1. Following two hours at the bar, Jones said Smith was too tanked to even consider driving, and Smith demanded that Jones take him home. This sentence incorrectly infers that two hours after Jones and Smith showed up at a bar, Jones offered the expression (to Smith?) that Smith was too flushed to even think about driving; it appears to be odd that after Jones stood up to Smith, the last would request a ride home. In any case, Jones is relating, a lot later (and to another gathering), the way that two hours after they showed up at the bar, Smith was too smashed to even consider driving; his interest for a ride was not because of a fierce remark. Embeddings a comma after said to make â€Å"Jones said† an incidental attribution explains that Jones offered the expression later, not that night: â€Å"After two hours at the bar, Jones stated, Smith was too smashed to even consider driving, and Smith demanded that Jones take him home.† 2. Smith conceded that he thought about the structure side, yet he didn’t know an entire hell of a ton about the assembling side. As composed, this sentence proposes that in spite of the fact that Smith recognized so anyone might hear that he knew about plan, he evidently minded his own business his numbness of assembling. Be that as it may, however the setting isn't clear in confinement, Smith gave the two snippets of data. So as to convey that reality, the two parts of the sentence must be equal (â€Å"he conceded this and that†), and the comma must be excluded: â€Å"He conceded that he thought about the plan side yet he didn’t know an entire hell of a great deal about the assembling side.† (A rehash of that can be embedded after at the same time, however it is discretionary.) 3. This is the last known picture of entertainer Robin Williams presenting with a fan. This inscription going with a photo of Williams and a unidentified individual can be perused two different ways: It is the last one he took with an admirer before his passing (and the presence of someone else in the photograph is significant), or it is the last photo taken of him before he kicked the bucket (and incidentally it was taken with a fan). Indeed, even outside the realm of relevance, the principal understanding is suspect; except if the article the photograph goes with explicitly relates to the qualification of Williams being captured with a fan (not likely), it’s practically sure that the fan’s nearness in the photograph is unessential to the differentiation of the image as the last one known to include Williams before his passing, and the expression â€Å"posing with a fan† ought to be treated as a needy condition: â€Å"This is the last known picture of on-screen character Robin Williams, presenting with a fan.† Need to improve your English in a short time a day? Get a membership and begin accepting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Punctuation classification, check our famous posts, or pick a related post below:85 Synonyms for â€Å"Help†Connotations of 35 Words for Funny PeopleWhat Is a Doctor?

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Rchard Wagner Art Coursework - 275 Words

Rchard Wagner (Coursework Sample) Content: Firstname LastnameInstructorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameCourse NumberDateRichard WagnerWhat did Wagner say about Jewish music in 1850 that helped lead to the controversy?Wagner referred the Jewish music as bereft of all expressions, which was characterized by coldness and indifference, nonsense and triviality. According to him, he claimed that the Jew had no passion for impelling him to artistic creation. Wagner further argues that the Jew composer makes a confused heap of the forms and styles of all ages and masters.What does Manfred Eger blame Wagner's anti-Semitic rages on?Manfred Eger tries to prove that the roots of Hitlerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s anti-Semitism did not originate from Wagner. However, he blames Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s anti-Semitic rages on jealousy. Eger tries to show Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s jealousy over the operatic triumphs of another Jewish composer, his contemporary, Giacomo Meyerbeer.What happened in 1981 when the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra tried to play Wagner's music?Co mmotion broke out, and the audience shouted aiming to silence the music. In the introduction, Mehta made a short speech where he talked about Israel as democracy whereby all music had the right to be played. Also, he said that in case anyone was not pleased by the music he or she had the right to walk away. In the audience were elderly members who quietly walked away. Even though the audience run threateningly to the stage while protesting noisily, the music was still played to the end.Do you think that the negative reactions that many Jews have toward Wagner's music are justified? Why or why not?Their negative reactions towards Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s music are unjustifiable; the Jews should try to treat differently Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s music and his world view. He was a great composer but, on the other hand, his ideology and anti-Semitism was terrible.What are the main characteristics of Wagner's music?Instead of free key centers, the harmony changes restlessly. The mature operas are scr ipted with uninterrupted music instead of songs be separated out. Each and every single character that Wagner uses has their theme.Do you like Wagner's music? Why or why not?Yes, I do like Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s music. He uses extreme chromaticism and shifting tonal centers led to the innovations of atonalism in the early 20th century. Wagner possesses excellent theoretical ideas in his music that resulted in the rise of the all-powerful st... Rchard Wagner Art Coursework - 275 Words Rchard Wagner (Coursework Sample) Content: Firstname LastnameInstructorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameCourse NumberDateRichard WagnerWhat did Wagner say about Jewish music in 1850 that helped lead to the controversy?Wagner referred the Jewish music as bereft of all expressions, which was characterized by coldness and indifference, nonsense and triviality. According to him, he claimed that the Jew had no passion for impelling him to artistic creation. Wagner further argues that the Jew composer makes a confused heap of the forms and styles of all ages and masters.What does Manfred Eger blame Wagner's anti-Semitic rages on?Manfred Eger tries to prove that the roots of Hitlerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s anti-Semitism did not originate from Wagner. However, he blames Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s anti-Semitic rages on jealousy. Eger tries to show Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s jealousy over the operatic triumphs of another Jewish composer, his contemporary, Giacomo Meyerbeer.What happened in 1981 when the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra tried to play Wagner's music?Co mmotion broke out, and the audience shouted aiming to silence the music. In the introduction, Mehta made a short speech where he talked about Israel as democracy whereby all music had the right to be played. Also, he said that in case anyone was not pleased by the music he or she had the right to walk away. In the audience were elderly members who quietly walked away. Even though the audience run threateningly to the stage while protesting noisily, the music was still played to the end.Do you think that the negative reactions that many Jews have toward Wagner's music are justified? Why or why not?Their negative reactions towards Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s music are unjustifiable; the Jews should try to treat differently Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s music and his world view. He was a great composer but, on the other hand, his ideology and anti-Semitism was terrible.What are the main characteristics of Wagner's music?Instead of free key centers, the harmony changes restlessly. The mature operas are scr ipted with uninterrupted music instead of songs be separated out. Each and every single character that Wagner uses has their theme.Do you like Wagner's music? Why or why not?Yes, I do like Wagnerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s music. He uses extreme chromaticism and shifting tonal centers led to the innovations of atonalism in the early 20th century. Wagner possesses excellent theoretical ideas in his music that resulted in the rise of the all-powerful st...

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Requirements and Training for Becoming a Forester

Of all the professions, forestry may be the most misunderstood of the lot. Many kids and adults who ask me about becoming a forester havent a clue that it takes a four-year degree which includes college-level math, biology, and statistics. The stereotypical picture is of a job spent in the forest, or in fire towers, or hunting and fishing and saving campers lost in the wilderness. However, professional foresters are not the people who do these jobs but have been trained to supervise these activities as well as managing forest regeneration activities, keeping the forest healthy, and optimizing the commercial and aesthetic potential of the forest. I want to put a more realistic face on the profession of forestry. The Requirements forBecoming a Forester A bachelors degree in forestry is the minimum educational requirement for professional careers in forestry. In many of the U.S. states and most of our  federal government, forest management jobs can be  a combination of experience and appropriate education may substitute for a four-year forestry degree, but job competition makes this difficult. Still, for industrial employment or becoming a state registered forester, you must have a forestry degree which leads to professional registration in many states. Fifteen States have mandatory licensing or voluntary registration requirements which a forester must meet in order to acquire the title professional forester and practice forestry in these states. Licensing or registration requirements vary by state  but usually demands a person to  complete a 4-year degree in forestry, a minimum period of training time, and passing an exam. Places to Geta Forestry Education Most land-grant colleges and universities offer bachelor or higher degrees in forestry. At this writing, 48 of these programs are accredited by the Society of American Foresters. The SAF is the governing authority for curricula standards: The Society of American Foresters (SAF) only grants accreditation to specific educational curricula that lead to a first professional degree in forestry at the bachelors or masters level. Institutions request SAF accreditation and offer curricula that have been found to meet minimum standards for objectives, curriculum, faculty, students, administration, parent-institution support, and physical resources and facilities. SAF approved curriculums stress science, mathematics, communications skills, and computer science, as well as technical forestry subjects. Just loving working in the woods is not a very good reason for becoming a forester (although it should be considered a necessity). You have to like scientific course study and be willing to develop your science skills. Foresters generally must enjoy working outdoors, be physically hardy, and be willing to move to where the jobs are. They must also work well with people and have good communications skills. You probably ought to realize as well that you ​may work your way out of the woods as you gain more experience and knowledge. Most colleges require students to complete a field session either in a camp operated by the college or in a cooperative work-study program with a Federal or State agency or private industry. All schools encourage students to take summer jobs that provide experience in forestry or conservation work. Possible Electives Desirable electives include economics, wood technology, engineering, law, forestry, hydrology, agronomy, wildlife, statistics, computer science, and recreation. You certainly have an extremely wide choice to zero in on a small subset discipline of your choice. Forestry curricula increasingly include courses on best management practices, wetlands analysis, water and soil quality, and ​wildlife conservation, in response to the growing focus on protecting forested lands during timber harvesting operations. Prospective foresters should have a strong grasp on policy issues and on the increasingly numerous and complex environmental regulations which affect many forestry-related activities. Professional Foresters Are Expected to Address Public Issues Foresters are now expected to address the public and write in the print media. While it has been a problem to find good speakers that present the professional forestry in the past,  it is now more important than ever to present to a group the standards and philosophy of forest management. Thanks to BLS Handbook for Forestry for much of the information provided in this feature.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Benefits Of Unionization For Unionized Workers Essay

Introduction As the Assistant Director of Human Resources for a 400-bed hospital, employing nearly 3,000 employees, 800 of which are registered nurses. The local not-for-profit facility on the east side of town is under pressure to unionize form the SEIU-Healthcare based on their wages and staffing ratios. I have been asked by my Director of Human Resources what is my opinion on the next course of action for my hospital. The Advantages to the Organization for Unionized Unionization offers employees a method for countering employers’ powers to unilaterally change employment conditions. Members elect officers and may hire agents to bargain an employment contract with the owners’ manager. Unionization introduces democracy into the employment relationship. Employees determine, first, whether a majority desires to be represented; second, whom to elect as leaders or hire as agents; third, what workplace issues are most important to them; and fourth, whether to accept a proposed contract or to collectively withhold their labor (Fossum, J, (n.d.), p. 2). Unions emphasize the need to create and maintain solidarity among members of the working class to effectively assert power in the workplace. They favor greater equality in pay across employees and greater worker control of the work environment. Unions also stress the importance of continual improvements in living standards for their members, be st attainable through increases in their pay (Fossum, J, (n.d.), p. 2). DisadvantagesShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Management And The Labor Union Essay776 Words   |  4 Pagesjoin a union. A __union__, is a labor organization appointed to act on behalf of the best interest of workers. 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RegardlessRead MoreEssay about The Protection of Labor Unions1206 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Labor unions once represented a significant share of the U.S. labor force, peaking at almost 35 percent of workers in 1954. Today, less than 12 percent of the labor force is unionized (Vachon 239).† There are two different types of unions; the private sector and the public sector. The public sector unions consist of government jobs: teachers, postal workers, police officers, etc. The private sector is comprised of businesses owned by the individuals. The unions in the private sector were createdRead MoreLabor Is Beneficial For The Society Or Not?770 Words   |  4 Pagesearly 18th century, industrial revolution had first happened in England. At that time, a large numbers of vulnerable groups such as women, children, and farmers turn into labour. The workers had no power and suffered oppression. In order to fight against, they pushed together and created union to defend their benefits. At present, union has been popular in different industries, which can effectively deal with problems between employers and employees. Meanwhile, with the development of economy andRead MoreA Brief Note On Unionization And Non Unionization Essay1206 Words   |  5 Pagesthought of when we think of unionization and non-unionization. The affect it has on the standard of life and its effect on wages. According to Long (2013, April) â€Å"Recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that, on average , union workers receive larger wage increases than those of nonunion workers and generally earn higher wages and have greater access to most of the common employer-sponsored benefits as well.† Long (2013, April). In regards to non-unionization the data from the BLS showRead MoreDo Unions Provide A Benefit For Academic Libraries?900 Words   |  4 Pagesprovide a benefit for academic libraries or librarians? The research questions related specifically to librarians/library staff (as opposed to library users or the libraries themselves) were: †¢ Are average librarian salaries higher? †¢ Is a greater percentage of the library staff librarians? †¢ Is a greater percentage of library staff expenditure devoted to librarians? †¢ Do staff receive a higher percentage of the library’s operating expenditures? The findings showed that unionization is a consistentlyRead MoreUnions: The Dying Society Essay1499 Words   |  6 PagesNorth American society. For the business world, unions pose a threat the expanding the corporation’s profits; for workers, unions are an opportunity to gain power in the workplace. Unions are used to balance the division of power throughout the world, yet they are not without their faults; for example, workers must pay union fees. Unions, while fundamentally a mediator between workers and corporations, pose a threat to the community; lawsuits, threats, lack of jobs, store closures, physical threatsRead More Labor Unions Essays1096 Words   |  5 Pages In this essay I’ll write about union membership, membership trends, the two types and levels, and the importance of unions. I’ll also discuss some of the negative sides of unionization in corporate America today. Labor unions are groups or clubs of workers and employees who bond together to get good conditions, fair pay, and fair hours for their labor. These unions are usually joined together, and most unions in America are some branch of the largest labor union organization in the United StatesRead MoreThe Future Of The Labor Union1274 Words   |  6 Pageslook into the past, the establishment of the union organization was created to help workers engage in collective workplace goals, such as wages, benefits, rules and power. Over the years different organizations have decided to join the bandwagon. Like Ford Motor Company, after a long struggle against union organization Henry Ford signed their first contract in 1941. Thank you, the Wagner Act â€Å"which established workers’ rights to collective bargaining and attempted to regulate unfair practices by employersRead More Collective Bargaining and Labour Market Outcomes for Canadian Working Women4675 Words   |  19 PagesCanadian W orking Women I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  INTRODUCTION: UNIONS, LOW PAY, AND EARNINGS INEQUALITY The major purposes of this paper are, first, to examine the impacts of collective bargaining on labour market outcomes for women workers in Canada, specifically with respect to pay, benefits coverage, the incidence of low pay and the extent of earnings inequality, and, second, to suggest ways in which positive impacts could be extended via the expansion of collective bargaining coverage. This part of the paper

Understanding Of The Growth Of The Tourismâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Understanding Of The Growth Of The Tourism? Answer: Introducation This research report has helped me to gain understanding of the growth of the tourism industry of Australia. For the purpose of taking business decision related to opening of a travel agency in Australia, I got the knowledge regarding different aspects that need to be considering for making decisions related to opening of a new venture. I got the understanding that there is a need to analyze the number of businesses existed in the industry along with the revenue generated by the industry. Besides this analyze the marketing condition of different cities in which the business has a growth potential in order to make decision related to opening up of a new business (Thomas, 2013). Along with this, it has also improved my analytical and statistical analysis which is being used to analyze the collected data to make informed decision. In addition to this, I also gained experience related to different conflicts that can be arise in the team and the strategies that can be adopted top effectively deal with such problems or conflicts. This has also helped me to develop the skills required to perform different functions in MS Excel. I have also improved my presentation and communication skills which are used in accelerating my professional growth. I have also learnt that there is a need to coordinate with other team members in an effective manner in order to accomplish the given task in a successful manner. In addition to this, I have also gained information related to the licensing and legal requirements to be complied with in order to open a tourism business in Australia. Second Reflection This report has contributed significantly in developing my knowledge about developing and establishing the tourism industry in Australia. Developing a tourism industry in Australia requires compliance with several types of requirements. In order to develop a tourism industry, a lot of research has been conducted. Various forms of data for the past ten years have been collected from the various sources like journals, articles, magazines. On the basis of data collected in the report, it can be said that tourism sector has been comprised the most important sector of the Australian economy (Forsyth, et al., 2014). Tourism industry provides facilities to both domestic and international tourists. It also contributes a major portion in GDP. In this report, information related to different segments of visitors has been gathered. The data relating to revenues of the tourism sector for the past ten years and growth rate has been analysed. Various types of statistical tools have also been used in order to represent the data. Various types of statistical calculations have also been done in order to find out various measures in order to reach to a conclusion (Tribe, 2015). According to the statistical tools applied in the calculations, a positive outcome has been found in every aspect. There are so many services that are provided by tour operators using the online and offline mode. The company is required to provide all the services at the competitive prices (prices lower than the competitors price). Third Reflection While doing this report, I have gained knowledge regarding the tour and travel industry in terms of growth potential, investment done, government regulations and so on. Besides this, there is an improvement in my researching skills as there is a need to research relevant information related to the tourism industry. I have also learnt that the use of Tuckman model of team development to form an effective team. This project also helped in improving my presentation and communication skills as there is a need to take full participation in different activities by sharing of the views and opinions in order to make effective decisions (Wagen, 2015). I have also learnt that there is a need to allocate different roles and responsibilities to the members of the team as per their abilities, skills and interests which helps in increasing their productivity. It has also helped in improving my analytical skills as I have learnt the use of different statistical tools and its interpretation such as regression analysis which is used to make effective decisions. This also helped in enhancing the time management skills as there is a need to complete the task in a given time frame in order to attain the objectives of the team effectively. Besides this, I have also developed problem solving skills as there is a occurrence of conflicts among the team members due to the existence of difference in their opinions due to which there is a requirement to solve the problems in an effective manner. References Forsyth, P., Dwyer, L., Spurr, R. Pham, T. (2014). The impacts of Australia's departure tax: Tourism versus the economy. Tourism Management, 40, 126-136. Thomas, R. (2013). Small Firms in Tourism. UK: Routledge. Tribe, J. (2015). The economics of recreation, leisure and tourism. UK: Routledge. Wagen, L.V.D. (2015). Events Tourism Essentials. Australia: Pearson Higher Education AU.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Summary of Why a Global Language Essay Example For Students

Summary of Why a Global Language Essay Summary of Why a Global Language In why a Global Language, author David Crystal explains what a global language is, how English has become the global language of today, and also why it is important for the world to have a global language. The article begins with David Crystal going explaining how English is the global language today. He explains how English is everywhere, it can be found all around the world, even headlines in other countries are written in English. From here David switches views and shows the reader that not everyone understands English, others all around the world, view English differently. We will write a custom essay on Summary of Why a Global Language specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now English is not everyone’s first language and some even may feel threatened that because English is growing so quickly, it makes their first langue’s seem powerless. David ends this first section saying that it is natural for people to feel overwhelmed or threatened by English, but as English grows, everyone is able to benefit more from one global language. In the next section of the text, David Crystal Explains what a global language is. He explains that for a language to be a global language when it has developed a â€Å"specific role† in other countries. This â€Å"specific role† basically means that a certain amount of people needs to understand this language. It is because of second languages that the use of a global language has become inevitable. English is becoming the global language today because in over 100 countries English is taught to students as a second language. The next section talked about by David is â€Å"what makes a global language? † He goes on to explain that the number of people who speak the language is important but it isn’t quite as important as how powerful the group of people who speak the language is. If a small country is somewhat powerless and becomes taken over by a much larger more powerful country, then chances are the country is going to start using the larger country’s language as their main language and the existence of the old language will go away. Also different languages are adapted faster or slower depending on how easy they are to lean. English is derived from many other languages witch makes it easy to learn. And also English is gender exempt. Language has a lot to do with the culture of the language’s people. The last part of the article explains why a global language is needed. As the technology of the world today is growing so rapidly, communication around the world is more necessary now than it has ever been in our past. With the increases of international contact, it has become more important that a global language is set up to allow easy communication. Because English is already known by so many, it has made its way to becoming the next true global language. Paraphrase Practice pg. 354 paragraph 14 The strength of a language depends less on how many people speak it and more on the power of the people who do speak it. Languages don’t live anywhere other than in the minds and mouths of the people who speak that language, if these people were to die off or somehow forget their language, the language is going to die off. If a culture is strong and powerful, the language is going to be spread along with the culture and grow. If the culture is weak or dyeing off the language of that culture is going to be weak and die off with it.